The Parole Board is kicking it into high gear when it comes to the LBB website. As many of you already know, the site is currently in Beta Mode (testing). We spend countless hours tinkering with the site in an attempt to try to think of what it needs. But, instead of us trying to determining everything it needs, we would rather get feedback from some INMATES.
After all, it's the INMATES that will be using the site, so why shouldn't we get some input on various things you would like? Also, if there are things that aren't working right, are hard to figure out, etc - well, we want to know about that. The plan is to migrate the INMATES off FaceBook and onto our site, for LBB purposes only of course. Obviously, we aren't trying to tell people to stop using FaceBook altogether. Rather, we just want the INMATES to use our website when dealing with LBB stuff. Having our own site is absolutely essential. By doing so, we will have complete control over how things work and look (FYI - we will also have a smartphone app that you can download for free in order to conveniently access the site).
Currently, there are four INMATES that have asked me to update the Job Release list with their information. But, FaceBook is not cooperating and will not allow us to update the list. In fact, I can't even create a new job posting/job search list. And these are the little things that drive me crazy. Don't get me wrong, FaceBook has been pivotal to the growth of LBB. However, I won't be happy until we are not longer operating under the parameters of another forum.
Anyway, the point is, we are working nonstop on the website and would like to hear what you have to say/think. If you are interested in obtaining access to the Beta Site in order to let us know your thoughts and recommendations, just let me know and I'll get you access.
One disclaimer though, we are currently only working on the way the site works. Functionality is our main task at the moment. After the site runs the way we want it to, then we will make it ascetically pleasing. So, just note that the site looks nothing like it will once we launch it. The colors, fonts, everything will change. We know how it will look but aren't worried about that right now because it doesn't matter how nice it looks if it doesn't work.
I want to see!