Wednesday, August 14, 2013

LBB Drama - Don't Start None, Won't Be None

Up until recently, joining LBB was pretty simple.  We already considered those in the service industry as INMATES, so just by doing your job, you were part of LBB.  But if you wanted to participate in the online discussions, then you had to request to be added to the group.  However, once you made the request, The Parole Board would add you and that was it.  About as simple as it gets.

But, being simple doesn't always translate into being better.  And it seems that lately, some individuals have infiltrated the group under the guise of being an INMATE.  Said individuals have shown certain posts and comments made by their co-workers on LBB to the management at their cells.  This, of course, has caused some problems for those involved.

Yes, it's true that if you are, or were, connected to the service industry than you belong on LBB.  But, apparently, we need to be more specific about a few unwritten rules of conduct.  However, with this article, I suppose they're no longer unwritten rules.  Regardless, LBB is a place for those in the industry.  Bartenders, waiters/waitresses, cocktail servers, security, chefs and cooks, bussers, even managers and owners.  You are given the forum to discuss what's on your mind without the fear of repercussions of what you say. 

Of course, some will quickly point out that, if you are posting something on the internet, then you are assuming the risk of whatever fallout ensues thereafter.  And I can't disagree with that assessment.  Also, I realize that there is always more than one side to a story, and I'm sure the individuals that have informed upper management about posts on LBB have their reasons for doing so.  Whether anyone else agrees with it or understands it.

But, openly sharing your thoughts and opinions is at the center of what LBB is about.  Once people begin to worry about their words, we lose the ambiance that we've grown so accustom to.  If you have to rethink each thought you want to share, LBB will quickly become a shell of what it once was.  Being reluctant to express your beliefs for fear of what might follow is a plague that will spread like wildfire if we don't take active steps to prevent it.

And so,The Parole Board is doing what we can to help this problem.  Instead of just adding anyone to the group that made the request to join, we are now screening applicants.  Once a person asks to be added to LBB, The Lifer interviews the person in order to ascertain how the individual is connected to the industry, why they want to be a part of LBB, etc. 

We believe this will help reduce the issues that some INMATES have experienced lately.  Of course, we won't be able to catch each person at the door.  And that's where you come in.  If you know someone that doesn't belong in the group, send a message to The Parole Board about it.  Several INMATES have already done this and we've removed the pretenders from LBB.  We need to police ourselves and while we are at it, we must have the mutual understand that this group is for our benefit.  Whether it's strictly from an entertainment perspective or as an emotional outlet, LBB is your canvas to discuss your thoughts.  Don't ruin it for everyone by selling out your fellow INMATES.        

In closing, I'll leave with the words from Nas' song Made You Look...

"Don't start none, won't be none."


  1. Im a pretender -Michael Hall

  2. Michael Hall - that's a name I haven't heard in a while!

  3. O-O-Oh yes, I'm the great, pretender...
