Friday, December 23, 2011

Perks of the Job

One of the best perks of running Life Behind Bars is meeting so many great people.  The INMATES are awesome.  And when it comes to drinking, they throw down.  On Wednesday night, The Warden and I planned to visit a few INMATES at their bars. 

We started at Whiskey Cake in Plano around 8:00 p.m.  Joanna Howard was bartending and The Warden and I began drinking face eraser shots (mind eraser - sub rumple for vodka).  After a couple of those, we proceeded into Addison.  The first stop once we were there was The Muckey Duck (formerly Zen).  Justin Foster was behind the bar, which always makes for an amusing bar experience.  For those of you that aren't in the know, Justin is a comedian.  Naturally, we had several laughs.  And, another face eraser. 

After that, we headed over to Champps to see Alexis Rolon.  She proceeded to buy us another face eraser.  She's cool like that.  Another INMATE, Skylar Rain, who is new to LBB, met us at Champps.  Unfortunately, I cannot recall whether or not he had a face eraser.  I know that he had a shot, but my memory fails me as to what kind of shot it was.  Or, perhaps it's not so much the memory failing as the alcohol working.

The next stop was Dukes Original Roadhouse, where the Mendoza sisters were working.  A large group of INMATES were rioting (partying) there, so we wanted to join in the festivities.  By the time we arrived, the party had already departed.  We spoke with Melissa Mendoza and she said the group relocated to The Back 9.  Shockingly, we didn't have a shot Dukes. 

The Back 9 was the last stop of the evening, where INMATE Michael "Lucky" Peters was tending bar.  When The Warden and I strolled through the door, there were approximately 20 INMATES boozing it up.  It's hard to describe the atmosphere, but picture some kind of reunion party, where people haven't seen each other in a long time.  That's a perfect excuse to drink excessively and act a fool.  The only thing is, the INMATES see each other all the time!  The INMATES just know how to have a great time..night after night.  And they wasted no time buying us shots so that we could partake in those reindeer games. 

Before I knew it, everyone was feeling toasty and crazy shit was happening.  The Warden was absolutely smashed and walking around with a scarf covering his face, thus giving a new meaning to face eraser; Danille Pirtle was asked to leave because she couldn't keep her head up, so we had to carry her to a car so she could sleep; Alexis and I were judging a bikini contest; and AJ Hammel passed out, pissed himself and was surrounded by people in panda bear costumes.  All in all, it was a great night.  I love the INMATES! 


  1. This is greatness!! What a great time with the INMATES!!

  2. That was one helluva night, and only a prelude to what the NYE riot is gonna be like!
