Saturday, December 17, 2011


So I called The Warden about an hour ago just to check in with him.  You see, The Parole Board speaks to each other numerous times a day.  Most of the conversations are positive.  All of them are entertaining.  One thing I will say is, you have to have thick skin to be in The Parole Board.  We are all friends, and because of that, we love to rip on each other.

Anyway, when The Warden answered the phone, he sounded like Eeyore after popping 2 valiums and washing it down with pint of whiskey.  I immediately asked what was wrong.  And then he told me there is an issue with the invitations for the next event.  We just got them in the mail today, and there's a problem.  Apparently no one noticed that the date for the event was wrong..."Sunday, January 1, 2011" The Warden said.

"What the fuck?!"  That was pretty much my response, verbatim.  I couldn't believe that three people somehow failed to realize that we just printed 250 invitations for a party set to occur almost a year ago.  I was able to pick up on the fact that the invitations were missing the service mark symbol ("SM") after our logo, but couldn't see we just planned an event for January 2011.

Fortunately, we were able to order replacement invites, for less than the original price and they will be ready tomorrow.   But that doesn't change the fact that we just spent a few hundred dollars printing invitations to a party on January 1, 2011.  Brilliant. 

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